Nascar Racing League 2020

Posted on Trackmania² Stadium via Stadium Racing Evolution 5 years ago

Nascar Racing League 2020

Registration is better for leader-boards.

Biggest Nascar Competition, starts Feb. 9th with promotional races for its 12th year, and 6th year on SRE title.
It follows the NASCAR Sprint Cup schedule raced in USA.

NRL 2020 is played from Feb. 16th to Dec. 5th, every Sunday and first Saturday of each month.

Server : NRL Events Server. (login:nrl2stadiumre In SRE Title).

3Cups in Nascar Racing League:

Stadium Cup : Sundays, 18:35 CE(s)T, Classic Nascar tracks with or without borders, 50 laps (25-35 min).
No pitstops. Made with Nadeo Stadium or SRE Stadium blocks.

Sprint Cup : Sundays, 19:35 CE(s)T, Sprint Tracks inspired by real Nascar Tracks, 50-150 laps (25-40 min).
With pitstops. Made with SRE Island blocks.

Endurance Cup : First Saturdays of each month, 18:35 CE(s)T, Fun and long tracks, 50 laps (90-120 min).
With pitstops. Made with Nadeo Stadium,SRE Stadium or SRE Island blocks.

Schedule NRL 2020 : or

You only need to have TM²Stadium for playing all NRL Cups,
and install Stadium Racing Evolution (SRE[) title available in the STORE.

Infos (races, events, servers, passwords, prices,....) by NRL Newsletters.
If you are already registered from past years, no need again.


N.R.T. Admins