LEADERBOARDS is out of prototype!

Posted on Trackmania² Stadium via BigBang1112 5 years ago

Leaderboards is a manialink project focused on simple leaderboard data extraction. Just load any title pack, open the manialink, and see all of the campaign's world records, or futher detailed information about each Top 10!

The manialink has now a very straightforward user interface and loads of new features. Few of them:
- Additional map statistics, record statistics and counters
- Downloadable replays from leaderboards
- Ranked checkpoint times in each Top 10
- Leaderboard Tracker - trackable leaderboard history, comparable leaderboards
Leaderboards manialink works not only in any title pack, but also in no title pack! :D
Visit leaderboards manialink in Maniaplanet's manialink browser!
Video showcasing the manialink

Merry Christmas everyone!